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Comics to Film

Do you read comic books? If you do or did then you know how insane their plotlines can get. A lot of these serialized heroes have been going on adventures for decades. So you can imagine how complicated their back stories get(just look at Wolverine).

When it comes to translating these aspects to film, a lot of changes have to be made. A comic book movie is never going to be exactly like the comic. Some of the elements don’t work on the big screen, so then why do so many die-hard comic fans have an issue with this.

You have to keep in mind that every one of these movies is an adaptation. It’s a different media and they have to make changes to make it work. Not only that, but it’s necessary to condense most of these plotlines into a two hour feature.

That’s not to say that there aren’t movies that change too much. Wolverine Origins was a complete mess and seemed to completely disregard the source material(and contradict previous movies in the series). Most of the characters were reduced to cameos that seemed to try and remind you that it was a comic book movie. Don’t even bring up Deadpool(what a waste!)

There are plenty of films that make changes but are still great comic book movies. Examples are: X-Men: Days of Future Past, Captain America: Civil War and The Dark Knight(to name a few). I think these movies are more enjoyable if you remember that it’s going to be a little different.

On a side note, there seems to be a harsh reaction to the entries in DC’s cinematic verse. So much so, I wonder if the critics are being paid off by Marvel(LOL!). I enjoyed Batman v. Superman, especially because of its darker tone(We already have the almost too family-friendly Marvel films.).

So how do you react to the changes that are made in these adaptations when compared to the source material?

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