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How I Got into Writing!

It all started with a vivid imagination—one I’ve had for as long as I can remember. When I would play with my action figures as a child, it was more than just a fight. It was an elaborate tale of action and adventure that I would spend hours playing out. One of my favorites was about a scientist that had accidentally turned himself into a zombie while trying to obtain eternal life. Then, an ancient evil from another planet arrived, and the scientist would have to craft a series of AI controlled super robots to defend what was left of post-apocalyptic Earth.(So silly!)

When I got older, I met a math teacher in sixth grade who had a love for writing short stories. Since I hated math, I always looked forward to those last few minutes of class when he would read his stories to us. It inspired me to write one of my own. The story was about my brother and I getting sucked into our favorite movies.

My imagination never seemed to wane, and I continued my endeavors throughout high school. But as fate would have it, the full blown story I was working on would be lost forever due to a misplaced floppy disk. Something like that always seemed to happen to the stories I was working on, so I tried writing it on paper to keep track of them better. However, guess what happened—I lost the first fifty pages.( D:)

Then, life got in the way. I tried my best to live on my own. I ended up finding the love of my life and getting married(I’m only 28, moving fast aren’t I). My creative endeavors moved towards smaller tasks, such as using a program to create top down RPGs and running DND campaigns.

I started writing again because of two people—my wife and a close friend of mine. They heard my ideas and encouraged me. My friend would always quote one of my favorite authors Stephen King by saying, “If you want to write, then write.”

I’ve been making a lot of progress in my writing and learning a few things from the other authors I’ve met on Twitter. Two solid rules I’ve learned so far: 1. Never turn away someone who is legitimately trying to help. 2. Always get beta readers(they’re super helpful.)

I can tell you one thing here and now—no matter what happens, I’ll never stop writing!

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