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Staying Motivated while Writing

I may not be the best person to give advice, but I thought I’d share things that help me stay motivated while writing. This is coming from someone who can count their book sales on their hands.(This information is relevant considering I might find it hard to stay motivated.)

1.Remember that this is your passion When your imagination soars, and stories and characters come to you like prophetic visions—trust me—this is your passion. Often when it seems like all the doors are closed and it’s time to throw in the towel, it’s good to remind yourself that crafting stories is in your blood. You can’t imagine a time when this would not be the case.

2.You wrote a book This doesn’t come easily to just anyone. You’ve done something that honestly a lot of people can’t. Just remind yourself how amazing that is. Relish in the fact that you finished this book and don’t worry about its length. Also, you might be thinking I haven't gotten that far yet, but don't worry, you will. Just keep at it!

3.Everyone has to start somewhere You would think that with the onset of the internet, it would be so much easier to become successful. And It’s true, overnight successes do happen from time to time, but remind yourself that that is usually not the case. Let’s say you have published a book—that’s already an accomplishment. And guess what—you’ve gotten started. That’s a lot harder to do than you might have realized.

4.Trust in your vision So you have a story to tell: you created characters, a setting and have the plot. This is something that’s yours and no one else’s. Only you can tell this story. Let that sink in. This is your passion and if you don’t write this story and share it with others, it will be lost forever. It’s your vision—it’s time to start trusting the story you have to tell.

In closing, I just want to say, keep these things in mind the next time you’re are thinking of giving up. Trust me, I know that it’s not easy.

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